Our WaterEye™ program fits perfectly with your routine building management, to provide:

1. Real-Time Alerts and Smart Shut off Systems

2. Water Meter Accuracy

3. Pipe Health Consistency & Water Recovery

Projected Monthly Savings

The More you use, the more you save on Water fees
10 %

Most Important Issues Solved in Water Management

A Single & Complete Water Management System

To unlock significant value across managed portfolio and business lines.

Solution: Enabling Water Meter Accuracy

Water Meter Accuracy

Meter accuracy is the most influential variable on your water billing statements. However, using our patented Venturi designed technology to modulate pressure differential, upstream and downstream of your water meter, its accuracy is consistent every time.

Most Customers Experience 15-25% in Monthly Savings

Simple Real-Time Monitoring (IoT) in Facilities

While leak detection is at the centre of monitoring, setting daily targets and usages can help with building reaching its water conservation goals. The IoT technologies offers critical data on water operational conditions, as well as improving maintenance efficiency. Remotely measure water levels, pressure, temperature, and flow to prevent overflows.

100% Reliability in Leak Detection: Savings in the Thousands

Solution: The WaterEye TM (Smart IoT)

refinery, refining, pipes

Solution: Water Recovery Through Non-Chemical Treatment

Pipe Health & Water Recovery

Non-invasive method and technology. Designed for industrial, commercial, and municipal applications, the proprietary electrostatic technology works effectively and efficiently – without chemicals, power or moving parts. The hydrodynamic conditions present during operation force the precipitation of crystals in the water. This process:

Remove 97% of Scales to Prevent Clogging & Down-Time.

Impact our technologies have on your building

Building Automation & Management

Cooling Towers and Chillers

Cooling towers represent up to 30% of a building’s overall energy budget, and 50% of the water used. The WaterEye ™ Tower solution helps commercial, institutional and industrial facilities significantly reduce their cooling costs, through: