How Water Meter Inaccuracies, Increase Your Water Fees Significantly.

June 20, 2021

Have you ever washed your hands, take a shower or fill a cup of water under the faucet and wonder why there are so many bubbles? Quite frankly, you are not alone. 

The fact is, air will always be in your water main, and over 40% in some cases. And, regardless of the type of water flow metering system used on your premises, the air volume is still measured, recorded and billed into your monthly water utility fees.

So, where does this air volume comes from?

Air may enter your pipelines in a combination of ways;

1. At the source of the intake – at the supply’s main during pumping. The pumps generate bubbles during the inlet pumping cycles – where some of these bubbles collapse and die out. However, a significant amount of bubbles survives the pump’s pumping force and becomes “entrained air” that are transported in the pipelines – air is also directly pumped into the main to prevent cavitation.

2. Transport from the city. For water to be delivered on to your premises, the pump has to work under high pressure, which causes a great level of turbulence to be generated. Oxygen from the water molecules is shed during this transport process, seen as bubbles.

3. Emptying of the pipelines – results in a significant drop in pressure. The pressure drop and the volume of water will retract creating a void, filled by air – in cases of no back-flow valves. As a result of re-filling the line, this volume of air will flow onto your premises.

Then why do my property manager or myself  end up paying for air?

Consequently, flow meters are unable to distinguish between air and water in the air-water mixture, and the volume read and recorded will represent your high water-fees. 

How is it that my flow meter cannot differ air from water?

Your commercial or residential property water usage is monitored using one of several types of water flow meters – with the most common being the traditional mechanical flow meter. The mechanical flow meters are made from moving parts – consisting of a propeller or turbine or some other rotating device, that rotates and then used to represent the volume of water used. When there is air present in the pipeline, the turbine rotates at a faster speed due to air speed and low friction (resistance). As a result, your water fees increase every time there are pockets of air.

In the case of the ultrasonic meters, they don’t rely on moving parts to record water usage. Instead, readings are done using ultrasonic wave principles (Info on how this works is shown here) for full pipes and partially filled pipes.

For full pipe water applications – it is assumed that the pipe is FULL, with no air pockets or entrained air. This, however is a wrong assumption by these working principles, as air at a high percentage is still trapped (entrained air), inside the pipelines, due to pumping and other water system transport phenomena. Therefore, these water meters are inefficient to measure accurately the “true” water volume usages. The only advantage to these meters and air is that they can detect when the pipe is not full and trigger a turn-off measuring. This is not ideal and is a big shortcoming of these meters, because whilst the pipe is not full – water is still being transported onto the premises – which are not recorded but may be investigated in the case of City utility audits. 

Ultrasonic meters also require that your pipe system should have air release valves placed at high points, or not to install these ultrasonic meters at a high point that could retain air pockets. This is because, entrained air bubbles inhibit the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the ultrasonic flow meters, resulting in malfunctions. Therefore, using this intelligent water valve will “transform” the air-water mixture into water which will improve water metering, and gives more accurate water utility fees.

How does I or my property managers stop paying for air?

When a flow regulator, such as the Smart Series 1 (Smart Water Valve) – the only patented technology of its kind, is installed just behind the flow meter, the air molecules become compressed before the air-water mixture reaches the propeller in the water flow meter. Under compression, the air volume is reduced to naught and the volume that was once the air is now filled with water (“transforming” the air-water mixture to water only). This volume of water is now able to pass the water flow meter air-free, slowing down the propeller rate – resulting in a smooth desirable laminar flow. This valve’s effect is triple fold for any property. Firstly, it creates a steady flow of water, which means that water pressure will not damage pipe fixtures on the property. Secondly, the valve also prevents back-flow of water – keeping the line charged with water. Thirdly, it reduces water fees. Significant air in a mechanical meter can also break the measuring elements causing error – leading to high erroneous water fees.

Overall air should not be in your water line. It can cause corrosion, hydrogen sulphide build up, water hammer, discoloured water from the turbulence, and damage to some mechanical meters and fixtures. 

Connect with a competent team of engineers and plumbers to find out how we may be able to help reduce your water expenses.